Cowtown Throwdown 2016 Recap

Our team headed out to Missouri on October 30th to attend the annual off-season event Cowtown Throwdown. Once we arrived, we quickly unloaded our equipment and had a lot of fun setting up the pit. As we prepared our robot for the start of qualification rounds, we also introduced many new members to FRC competitions and activities such as scouting. In addition, we created schedules and different materials to help new members learn more about the different events.

Once qualification rounds started, our new drivers got the chance to work with the robot. Many new members had a lot of fun trying out the different roles in the pit and around the competition. All of our drivers did an awesome job and gained a lot of experience.

img_7147Our team had the honor of being chosen as the number two pick by the fifth alliance captain, 3937 Breakaway and competing alongside 1847 Ladder and 1775 TigerBytes. We had a lot of fun cheering on our team and watching our robot compete. Our team’s hard work paid off, and we won our quarterfinals match and were able to make it to semifinals. We had a lot of fun competing, and both old and new members alike learned a lot. Go team!


North Star Regional Recap

We arrived in Minneapolis late Wednesday night, excited for the North Star competition. Arriving at the Mariucci Arena bright and early Thursday morning, we set up our pit, modified our shooter and intake, uploaded new code for auto-aiming high goal shooting. Without any huge new additions, we were able to make many practice matches. During this time, our PR met with with pit scouts and our scouting team practiced with the new database system, while our chairman’s presenters attended in a chairman’s exchange and practiced in an elevator!

On Friday, we started off the competition strong with 8 ranking points after 2 matches, ranking 1st! We competed in 7 of our 8 qualification matches and demonstrated our working autonomous of crossing the low bar and scoring a high goal as well as consistent high goal shooting. The Chairman’s group also gave their presentation in the afternoon.IMG_2225

After competing in our last match on Saturday morning, we finished ranked fifteenth. During alliance selections, we were the 1st pick of the 4th seed alliance captain, 4778 Stormbots and were later joined by 3026 Orange Crush. We got off to a rocky start in our first quarterfinal match, breaking an intake chain and 4778 breaking a drive chain. Joined by backup bot 2225 R.U.S.T., we won our next two quarterfinal matches and advanced to the semifinals. Against the 1st seeded alliance, we won our 1st semifinal match despite a drained battery. Sadly, we lost the 2nd match and our semifinal tiebreaker match by only 1 point.

During the awards ceremony, we won the Judges Award! This award is given to a team the judges feel should be recognized for showing unique efforts and performance. It was an exciting experience for the freshmen and sophomores who got to high five the judges for the first time, and a nice way to end the season for the seniors. Congrats to teams 2175, 3130, and 3042 for winning the competition and qualifying for champs!

Here’s Qualification match 5 that we competed in:

Iowa 2016 Recap

From March 23rd to the 26th we competed at the world’s first FRC Iowa Regional in Cedar Falls, IA. A few members of our team went to unload the robot and passed inspection on their first try. We played in a practice match and fixed up our robot to prepare for the quals matches. We played in match 6, 16, 31, 39, 52, 60, 68, 73, and 82. We experienced many mechanical issues with our drivetrain which placed us very low in the rankings. We ended up ranked 33rd by the end of the qualification matches. Despite this, however, we were picked by 167 – Children of the Corn and 3026 – Orange Crush. We made it to quarterfinals and won our first match. We were eliminated in the next two matches by the 2nd seed alliance. During this, our first competition this year, we learned much about our robot and it’s weaknesses. We have been working on them for the Minnesota North Star Regional and will be well prepared to compete. We look forward to seeing all the teams there!



Here is our first quarterfinal match: