Iowa State FIRST LEGO League Tournament Outreach

Just wanted to update all of you about Saturday. We are going to be in 1071 Black Engineering from 9-12. We will have our Rebound Rumble robot there!
If you can’t make it, follow us on twitter for live updates along with checking back here later for photos. Also, check out the LIVE Video Feed on Saturday from the event!

Here are additional files:
Judging Schedule
Robot Schedule
Outreach Schedule
Outreach Description

Ames Middle School FLL Presentation

 Ames FLL Outreach

On Saturday, five members of Team Neutrino (former Ames Middle School FLLers) helped the six Ames Middle School FLL teams as they prepare for the Marshalltown regional competition this coming Saturday. We helped judge their project presentations and robot rounds as they practiced. We then presented our robot, and talked about Team Neutrino.

Nevada High School Presentation

Today I (David) talked about our robot and demo’ed it for three of my 5th & 6th Grade FLL teams, one of our 7th & 8th grade teams, and a PE class at Nevada Middle School. I also invited my high school principal, superintendent, and shop teacher in hopes of selling them on the idea getting a FIRST Robotics team started at the high school level. I think they were all very impressed by it. There are some more videos after the break. Continue reading

Science Center FLL Regional

On Saturday, 7 Neutrinos (and their parents) volunteered at the Science Center of Iowa Regional FLL Tournament for the day. 2 Neutrinos were Refs (that was alot of fun!) and the other 5 helped with the judging process (judges and judges assistants).

STEM Town Hall Meeting

The STEM Community Conversation went well yesterday for not being able to physically run the robot much. We ran into many Iowa State University Extension Staff there along with lots of state representatives. We would like to personally thank Iowa State University Extension for inviting us to this exciting event promoting STEM education throughout Iowa.